04/22/2024. First Geology Games GeoGames

The first tournament at Satbayev University in the format of intellectual games similar to the television versions of “Your Game” and “What? Where? When?" with a geological bias.
This tournament will allow students to show their erudition, coupled with logical thinking and reaction speed.
04/22/2024, 13.00, Satbayev University, GMK 207 room (coworking)
The main organizers of the tournament are: Youth Organization of Geologists “Geopolytech” Satbayev University, Public Association “Professional Association of Independent Subsoil Experts PONEN”.
The GeoGames intellectual games tournament is aimed at:
1. Expanding connections between students and representatives of manufacturing and consulting companies;
2. Popularization of intellectual games among students;
3. Expanding the general horizons of Satbayev University students.
GeoGames is the first tournament at Satbayev University in the format of intellectual games similar to the television versions of “Own Game” and “What? Where? When?" with a geological bias. This tournament will allow students to show their erudition, coupled with logical thinking and reaction speed.
The main prize of the tournament for the winning team is 6 certificates for training in GGIS “Micromine”!
General sponsor of the tournament: MICROMINE Central Asia LLP.
Tournament sponsors: GeoMineProject LLP, E4 Capital LLP, QuizPliz! in Almaty
For questions regarding the tournament and cooperation:
semerikovad@mail.ru, +7 707 232 3686, Daria
This tournament will allow students to show their erudition, coupled with logical thinking and reaction speed.
04/22/2024, 13.00, Satbayev University, GMK 207 room (coworking)
The main organizers of the tournament are: Youth Organization of Geologists “Geopolytech” Satbayev University, Public Association “Professional Association of Independent Subsoil Experts PONEN”.
The GeoGames intellectual games tournament is aimed at:
1. Expanding connections between students and representatives of manufacturing and consulting companies;
2. Popularization of intellectual games among students;
3. Expanding the general horizons of Satbayev University students.
GeoGames is the first tournament at Satbayev University in the format of intellectual games similar to the television versions of “Own Game” and “What? Where? When?" with a geological bias. This tournament will allow students to show their erudition, coupled with logical thinking and reaction speed.
The main prize of the tournament for the winning team is 6 certificates for training in GGIS “Micromine”!
General sponsor of the tournament: MICROMINE Central Asia LLP.
Tournament sponsors: GeoMineProject LLP, E4 Capital LLP, QuizPliz! in Almaty
For questions regarding the tournament and cooperation:
semerikovad@mail.ru, +7 707 232 3686, Daria